Art & Museum Exhibits

Art & Museum Exhibits

Art & Museum Exhibits

Safe Transport for Collections of Art Works and Museum Exhibits, anytime & anywhere in the world!

Every Art Work or Museum Exhibit is unique, such is our handling to your shipment. We at ‘’SKG’’ Cargo Services, with our experience and know-how in matters of transfer of Art Works & Museum Exhibits, ensures you of the ideal conditions for their safest and most reliable transfer!

Secure transport begins with the construction of special packaging for each project separately. Our specialized partner team manufactures, with the most up-to-date materials and according to the most demanding museum specifications, the right packaging for each item.

We ensure the immediate transfer of Art Works or Museum Exhibits to the nearest airport or any other point you indicate to us.

Supervising all stages of the process and through a specialized network of partners around the world, we guarantee the safe and prompt delivery of your collection, wherever requested.

"The transfer of Art Works & Museum Exhibits becomes easier, since we at ‘’SKG’’ Cargo Services provide you with:"

  • A team of Professionals visiting your place so as to record your needs
  • Manufacture of special packaging with the most appropriate/adequate and modern materials
  • Packaging and careful loading of items/exhibits. All items/exhibits are properly packaged by highly experienced & trained staff
  • Usage of special equipment (Lifting equipment)
  • Customs Clearance
  • Temporary/Long Periods of Storage, if required, in warehouses with the most up-to-date security and monitoring systems
  • Air Freight with major airlines
  • Road and Ocean Freight where required, with the greatest safety
  • Cargo surveys
  • Cargo insurance

Our goal… to exceed your expectations!

Hours Of Operation

Mon. - Friday.: 08:00 – 17:30

Sat: Closed

Sun.: Closed

SKG Cargo

SKG Thessaloniki Cargo Services is a new company in the field of agencies - transport - Logistics.