Terms & Conditions of Cooperation

Terms & Conditions of Cooperation


 1. Our offer is valid for general cargoes, non-hazardous & properly packed.

 2. Forwarder’s liability concerning civil responsibility, depending on the service, is in accordance with:

a) the International Convention of Forwarding CMR (law 559/1977) for road transports,

b) the International Conventions of Warsaw & Montreal for air transports,

c) the International Convention COTIF / CIM for rail transports,

d) the Hague Protocol on B/L for ocean transports.

Therefore we do not accept consequential damages.

 3. The relation of weight - volume, depending on the mode of transport, is:

a) 1/3 for road freight (i.e. 1 cbm = 333 kgr & 1 Ldm = 1.650 kgr),

b) 1/6 or air freight (i.e. 1 cbm = 167 kgr),

c) 1/1 for ocean freight (i.e. 1 cbm = 1 ton).

We always calculate whichever is higher i.e. the real gross weight or the volumetric.

 4. The insurance cover of goods is necessary. If you cannot arrange it, we provide this service for your account but you must mention this in written on the shipping order.

a) General cargoes are covered:  Against all risks / war / strikes {Institute Cargo Clauses (A) Cl. 382 1/1/09, Institute War Clauses (Cargo) Cl. 385 1/1/09, Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) Cl. 386 1/1/09}. Excludes mechanical, electrical & electronic deregulation. Valid only for brand new & properly packed cargo. There is no deductible.

b) Used cargoes are covered for: Simple risks (fire, collision & overturning or derailment of conveyance) + theft / war / strikes {Institute Cargo Clauses (C) Cl. 384 1/1/09, Institute War Clauses (Cargo) Cl. 385 1/1/09, Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo) Cl. 386 1/1/09}.

Premiums are predetermined by a special table on the insured value (i.e. commercial invoice, + freight + 10%) with minimum charge of 30,00 Eur. If there is a special agreement for the charges it should be referred in the body of the offer.

 5. We do not accept shipping orders with punctual loading dates &/or delivery times. The estimated transit time when mentioned, is indicative only. Our company shall try to comply with delivery schedules indicated, however in no case this is binding. Therefore, & in accordance to articles 21 & 22 of the General Terms & Conditions of Forwarding -as published at www.synddel.gr  - this shall not create an obligation on the Freight Forwarder's part & freight forwarder shall not be liable for the consequences that may arise due to incorrect information provided by carriers or their agents in relation to the dates or the terms of carriage, discharge or delivery of goods.

 6. Our offer is based on the current values of the costs factors (fuel, tolls, ferry tickets, exchange rates and so on) for normal unchanged and unhindered transport conditions. Any increase in costs factors shall be automatically reason to change our prices.

 7. Not included: expenses caused by «force majeure» (such as war, strikes, Act of God, etc.), storage fees due to your liability, loading/unloading expenses at shipper’s/consignee’s premises, customs expenses (duties, taxes, etc.), lay-time, demurrage & cancellation fees.

 8. Our quotation is valid only upon receipt of your written acceptance, within 30 days, from the issue date, unless something else is mentioned differently.

 9. In case that the services or parts thereof contemplated herein are prohibited under any laws or regulations, including but not limited to US-law, law of the European Union or national laws, including but not limited to laws & regulations relating to the fight against terrorism & embargos, SKG Cargo Services is at its sole discretion entitled to partially or fully cancel the service at any time, without prior notice & without incurring any liability for compensation to Customer whatsoever.

10. SKG Cargo Services shall not be liable for damages caused by breach of the Hungarian Electronic Trade and Transport Control System (EKAER) notwithstanding anything provided for the contrary in this contract.

11. R3 cancellation & demurrage policy:

a) 24 hours prior to the agreed loading date the transport order may be cancelled free. Afterwards, cancellation fee is 250 € / truck.

b) For loading: Detention 4 hours, demurrage € 25 / hour with maximum 250 € / day, weekend-fee € 250. For unloading: Free unloading time 2 hours, demurrage € 30 / hour with maximum 300 € / day.

12. Road cancellation policy:

-For landtraffic, groupage shipments (export or import up to 2500 kgr -10 cbm) and in case of cancellation of assignment, please note the followings:

In case of cancellation on the previous working day of the assignment, after 15:00 pm onwards, extra charges will be applied.
(For further information you may apply to your contact in SKG Cargo Services sales dept.)

-For landtraffic, full load or consignments as from 2500kg and over and in case of cancellation of assignment, please note the followings:

In case of cancellation of assignment 24 hours prior to the scheduled loading day, extra charges will be applied, which in some of the cases can amount to the whole freight.
(For further information you may apply to your contact in SKG Cargo Services sales dept.)

13. We are working under the general terms and conditions for Forwarding and Logistics, set up in the general assembly on 23/02/98 of International Forwarders Association of Greece.


Hours Of Operation

Mon. - Friday.: 08:00 – 17:30

Sat: Closed

Sun.: Closed

SKG Cargo

SKG Thessaloniki Cargo Services is a new company in the field of agencies - transport - Logistics.