Chemicals & Dangerous Goods

Chemicals & Dangerous Goods

Chemicals & Dangerous Goods

‘’SKG’’ Cargo Services, recognizing your needs, offers you complete solutions in terms of air, sea and road / combined transport of hazardous materials. We carry Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Chemical Cargos in compliance with the International Regulations listed in detail below.

Our specialized staff, with all the required parchments, the ability and experience in transporting dangerous goods, is at your disposal to assist you in both air and sea as well as on land / combined shipment of your dangerous goods. The transport of dangerous goods is governed by international regulations, which aim to prevent accidents to humans and to prevent damage to means of transport, goods and the environment.

Having the appropriate knowledge, we are able to examine the needs of each cargo separately and deliver it to your desirable destination, with safety and responsibility.

In aviation, the IATA DGR code is the reliable source of specifications which provides relevant training that leads to knowledge and compliance with the handling, packaging, labeling and documentation of relevant aviation.

International Maritime Organization (IMO) IMDG is used in maritime transport as a uniform International Code for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods, which provides, inter alia, for packaging, container transport, stacking and and grouping of incompatibles per unit of substance transport.

Road transport is dominated by the ADR Treaty (Accord Européen relatif au Transport International des Marchandises Dangereuses par Route) which in its most important Article 2 (Appendices A and B) controls the nature of goods, packaging, labeling, as well as issues of construction, usage and equipment of vehicles for transporting dangerous goods.

" We transport dangerous goods which contain dry ice, flammable/toxic and radioactive materials"

We provide you with total support and necessary information, throughout the transporting process of your dangerous shipment, by undertaking:

  • Transport with the biggest airlines and shipping companies worldwide
  • Carriage to the nearest port , airport or any other freight station
  • Supply of the required packaging in accordance with the requirements of the international regulations
  • Handling and special marking of your Cargo
  • Issuing the required shippers' declaration
  • Customs Clearance
  • Cargo insurance

Our services are certified with ISO-9001: 2015 for Quality Services, AEO for corporate robustness and sustainability and Code of Ethical Business Behavior for social responsibility.

Our goal… to exceed your expectations!

Hours Of Operation

Mon. - Friday.: 08:00 – 17:30

Sat: Closed

Sun.: Closed

SKG Cargo

SKG Thessaloniki Cargo Services is a new company in the field of agencies - transport - Logistics.